Latest News
A Message from Mr Nation
Welcome back! We’ve had a fun filled start to the final term of this academic year. Mrs Liddell has kindly organised for Organic Drumming to come to Castle and work with the children. Their assembly last week was incredibly inspiring and we had the whole school (including adults) singing and clapping along to a rhythm. Your children will be taking part in workshops over the forthcoming weeks and I’m looking forward to seeing (and hearing) their musical skills develop. Even Tiny Turrets Nursery have been taking part and are learning to drum and keep a steady rhythm!
Swimming is underway. As always, it is lovely to see the pool in use and the children enjoying every minute of their swimming lessons. Please continue to ensure your children have their swimming kits in school.
Thank you to those of you who ensure your child attends school regularly. Can I remind everyone that we want to work with those who find this a challenge, to provide the best for your child/children