Latest News
A Message from Mr Nation
Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful half term.
Our new ‘Gateway’ for this half term is ‘Citizenship’ and across the school, through Geography, the children will be learning about their role as a local and global citizen. From understanding our local geography and how we can support our local community in Year 1, to comparing our village to villages further afield by looking at India and closer to home with our European neighbours. Further up the school they will look more closely at the physical and human similarities and differences between such localities and how these impact on what citizenship involves in those parts of the world. We will also be considering the arising environmental implications of how we live and our responsibilities as global citizens to such issues. How are you an active citizen in the local or global community? Please share and discuss at home.
I know you’ve all been patiently waiting for an update regarding Forest School provision. Rest assured we are in the final stages of organising quality outdoor provision for all of the children at Castle Primary School. In addition, we’re keen to further enhance the Physical Education for the children. To this end, we’re organising a company to work with us to enhance the PE we already offer.
We welcomed a film crew into school this week. They were filming for a project that will (hopefully) be shared among various film festivals and centred around a key child/children. Permission was sought from parents of those children involved in the recording so please don’t worry - we only filmed those for whom we had permission!
We have a short but busy half term ahead. Please ensure you keep updated with the many events which can be found online and on this newsletter.