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A message from Mr Nation Posted on: 30/04/2021

A message from Mr Nation

Life is certainly beginning to feel a little more ‘normal’ in school. Clubs are now up and running, Forest School and Premier Sports are in full flow and the school is buzzing with energy and excitement.  As I’m writing this, I can hear 22 EYFS/KS1 children taking part in a drumming session (their first of many) and others are on the school field participating in their sports club. Bikeability will soon be taking place for some of our older children in KS2 and it couldn’t be more timely. I’ve had some parents express their concerns over children cycling in large groups in the middle of the road through the village. We’re not sure who these children are but if your child cycles around Stoke-Sub-Hamdon, can you please remind them the importance of staying safe.  During assemblies, we’ve been focusing on our School Vision, ‘Together We’re Stronger’ as well as ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’. As a team, we are passionate about supporting the children to understand the importance of acceptance and have been discussing how we feel ‘safe’ around those who are similar to us. We’ve paid particular attention to accepting those who may look, speak, behave or sound different to us. Please help your child to understand the meaning of the words ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’.  Earlier this week, we had an external review of our school conducted by an education consultant with over 42 years of experience. He was very complimentary about many aspects of Castle Primary and recognised the journey of improvement we have been on since our last OFSTED inspection. Well done team Castle. We now have some clear actions for us to grow in strength.  Can I gently remind everyone that KS2 children must wear a tie. Some of the children have returned without them. Several children are also wearing trainers. Again, this is not part of our school uniform. School uniforms must be worn whilst at school. Many thanks in advance for your understanding with this. As a school, we have taken several measures to ensure the safety of our children and staff. Please ensure you are wearing a mask when on the playground, this includes those who drop off / collect their children from Camelot Club.  Finally, we are continuing to ensure the children understand the importance of reading and that it is key to accessing everything in the world. You can support your child by letting them read to you at least 4 times per week and by reading to them. Your support and understanding with all of the above is greatly appreciated and most importantly, has a positive  impact on your wonderful childrenCategories: 1 CategorySchool News
A message from Mr Nation Posted on: 26/03/2021

A message from Mr Nation

Welcome to the final newsletter of the Spring Term. It is amazing how quickly this term has passed! It has been wonderful to see the children return to school and settle so quickly. New routines and procedures are underway, Forest School is going brilliantly as is the PE enhancement being provided by Premier Sports.  We wanted to ensure that the children returned to school with a full range of experiences, are being taught the full breadth of the curriculum as well as accessing many enrichment opportunities. As you know, the 3 Forest School trained gentlemen from ROAM commenced their work with classes from week 1 and Premier Sports are providing focused PE opportunities for physical exercise. Prior to welcoming the children back to school, we had in depth discussions around supporting the children’s mental health and wellbeing as well as assessing the children’s current knowledge and understanding in reading, writing and maths. Furthermore, we needed to ensure that the teaching plans for the rest of this academic year were in line with the priorities for the children’s learning; ready for the subsequent year of 2021 - 2022. The teachers have been working relentlessly to ensure we are providing the very best education for your amazing children.  A quick update/reminder regarding School Uniform. School uniform (for day to day and PE) is so important when maintaining standards and expectations. The children come to school well-presented and the following list serves as a reminder of Castle Primary School’s uniform. You will also find this information on our school website: / School Day Royal blue Jumper/cardigan (Castle logo optional) Royal blue and gold tie (KS2) Grey trousers/shorts/skirt White shirt  Blue Gingham Dress  Black school shoes PE Plain white t-shirt (Castle logo optional) Daps/ Trainers Black/ grey tracksuit bottoms for the winter Forest School  Suitable outdoor clothing for Forest School is essential. Children must also have wellies and a spare pair of indoor shoes. For health and safety reasons, children cannot walk around in bare feet so any children without the appropriate clothing and footwear will have to miss Forest School. In addition, please ensure your child has a pair of wellies (labelled in a bag) in school so that they can use the field regardless of the weather. Finally, Mrs Downes has been working hard to ensure that we’re supporting your children to develop as confident readers with a love of books. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a vital life skill. Reading 4 times a week at home with your children makes such a difference so please keep this up over the Easter holidays. Have a well deserved break and fingers crossed for some sunny weather!  Categories: 1 CategorySchool News

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