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A Message from Mr Nation Posted on: 28/02/2020

A Message from Mr Nation

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful half term.  Our new ‘Gateway’ for this half term is ‘Citizenship’ and across the school, through Geography, the children will be learning about their role as a local and global citizen. From understanding our local geography and how we can support our local community in Year 1, to comparing our village to villages further afield by looking at India and closer to home with our European neighbours. Further up the school they will look more closely at the physical and human similarities and differences between such localities and how these impact on what citizenship involves in those parts of the world. We will also be considering the arising environmental implications of how we live and our responsibilities as global citizens to such issues. How are you an active citizen in the local or global community? Please share and discuss at home. I know you’ve all been patiently waiting for an update regarding Forest School provision. Rest assured we are in the final stages of organising quality outdoor provision for all of the children at Castle Primary School. In addition, we’re keen to further enhance the Physical Education for the children. To this end, we’re organising a company to work with us to enhance the PE we already offer.  We welcomed a film crew into school this week. They were filming for a project that will (hopefully)  be shared among various film festivals and centred around a key child/children. Permission was sought from parents of those children involved in the recording so please don’t worry - we only filmed those for whom we had permission!  We have a short but busy half term ahead. Please ensure you keep updated with the many events which can be found online and on this newsletter.   Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A Message from Mr Nation Posted on: 31/01/2020

A Message from Mr Nation

It’s been lovely to see the children return to school in high spirits and full of enthusiasm.  Classes have been busy working on their ‘Gateway’ of Explorers. From role playing as Christopher Columbus, attempting to create their own successful settlement in Year 5 and 6 and even stepping onto the moon and learning what it was like for Neil Armstrong as a space explorer. It has been lovely to see the excitement and buzz around this new learning. If you haven’t already, please take a look for yourself on Seesaw! Mr Allington very kindly organised for a GB athlete to come to our school this week. On Monday, Rich Parker (a British professional ‘vert’ skater) visited Castle Primary School, led a circuits session with all the children and showed us his skills - by jumping over three members of staff! My thanks to Mr Allington and Rich Parker for such a fantastic morning. A quick reminder about lunch boxes, please can we ensure children have enough in their lunch boxes to fuel them through the day and that these are well balanced, avoiding too many sugary snacks.  Finally, we have a wonderful opportunity for you to become an integral part of Castle Primary School. We’re seeking to increase the numbers of our (currently known as) ‘Ethos and Welfare Committee’. We meet regularly throughout the year and discuss the School’s priorities. If your interested, please get in touch via the school office.   Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A Message from Mr Nation Posted on: 20/12/2019

A Message from Mr Nation

I cannot believe how quickly this term has passed. It has been an incredibly busy and successful Autumn Term with much to celebrate.  I’d like to start with a huge thank you to parents, carers and loved ones for your continued support of our wonderful school. The school’s attendance figure for this term is 97.01%, the highest in at least three years. This means much more consistency for the staff and children of Castle School and clearly has a direct (positive) impact on your child’s/children’s learning. Let’s keep this up for the Spring and Summer terms.  My thanks to Rev. Annie Gurner for her support at different events this year. Whether it was coming into school for assemblies based on our values, supporting at community events or welcoming the Year 1 children to church for their project, we’re grateful for her time and effort. Rev. Annie led a wonderful Christingle for our Year 5 and Year 6 children at St Mary’s Church and the local Co-Op were kind enough to provide us with oranges for our Christingles having received letters from the children.  Earlier this term, the Year 5 and Year 6 children attended Stanchester for a drama workshop. I was told that the children were exemplary and had an amazing experience. Their skills were put to the test for their end of year Christmas play which was written by Mr Penn. It was a significant piece of work that helped teach the children the importance of Christmas; to spend time with family, loved ones and help those in need.  This week, the children had their Christmas lunch, Christmas parties and attended the recreation ground in readiness for a visit from Santa via Helicopter. Unfortunately, the weather did not permit a safe landing. Nevertheless, my thanks to the parent who helped organise this for the children (and staff!) and to those who assisted walking the children to the (nearly) landing zone! Finally, my thanks to the Friends of Castle School  (FoCS) who have helped with potting plants, have supported at Christmas performances, provided discos for the children as well as organising and running our annual Christmas Fayre. Well done FoCS for all you’ve done for Castle Primary School this term.  I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy spending time together as a family and cherish those dear to you.   Categories: 1 CategorySchool News
A Message from Mr Nation Posted on: 22/11/2019

A Message from Mr Nation

It’s amazing to think we’re three weeks into the second half of Autumn Term already. The children have returned full of energy and school is in full swing. We’ve all started our new project for this half term and our ‘Gateway’ is ‘Celebrations’. Last week was ‘Inter-Faith Week’ and Mr Penn utilised this opportunity to organise several visitors to Castle School and talk to us about their religion. It’s so important we provide the children with such experiences to increase their awareness of our diverse culture. Well done Mr Penn for organising.  My thanks to parents/carers for supporting Children in Need. We raised a fantastic ‘£124,46’ towards this important cause. Raising the awareness of such charities and issues in the world is crucial and clearly has a direct link to the values that underpin all we do at Castle School.  It was lovely to see so many of you at Parents Evening last week. For those of you who didn’t manage to complete the survey, please scan the QR code on the back of this newsletter and answer the questions. On Wednesday 27th November, I will collate the responses and share with everyone before the end of term. There have been so many positive comments about Castle School and it is clear, for the vast majority of parents/carers and children, you’re overwhelmingly positive about all that we do. As always, if you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office. Your feedback is valued and has already guided much of the work and efforts to date.   Categories: 1 CategorySchool News

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